The Asian Pacific American Women Lawyers Alliance ("APAWLA") is pleased to announce our third annual scholarship, recognizing law students who have demonstrated their capacity as future leaders in the Asian Pacific American community. Each APAWLA Rising Leader Award recipient will receive a $500 scholarship and one year of one-on-one mentoring with an APAWLA Board Member.
The recipient will be selected in the Summer 2024 and recognized at APAWLA's Annual Reception  on September 19, 2024.
To apply and for more details, please visit the link HERE.

Want to learn more about the Mentorship Circle? Click the program below.

Thank you to everyone who attended APAWLA's 30th Anniversary & Awards Dinner at the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center on September 7, 2023.
Please find below links to download the program & to access photos!
Dinner Program Booklet